DESCH Accessibility

DESCH Canada recognizes the history of discrimination against persons with disabilities in Ontario and the fundamental importance of developing, implementing and enforcing standards in a timely manner in order to achieve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities.


To that end, DESCH Canada is committed to:

  • Full compliance with all applicable AODA standards as they are introduced and become a law.
  • The principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity described in the AODA and to meeting the needs of people with disabilities, in a timely manner, through the implementation of this policy. To establishing, maintaining and implementing policies as well as associated practices and procedures in the Integrated Regulation, specifically in the areas of information and communications, employment and to meet the accessibility needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner.
  • Excellence in serving all patients, including people with disabilities. When providing information to or communicating with a person with a disability, we will provide the information and communication in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.
  • Ongoing improvements to accessibility in its premises and facilities as required by law, as well as to the services offered to patient s, employees, volunteers and members of the general public.
  • Promoting values that support relationships between people with disabilities and the organization.
  • The establishment, implementation, maintenance and documentation of a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the organizations strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet the requirements under the integrated regulation.
  • The incorporation of accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities.
  • The training of all employees if DESCH’s policies, practices and procedures on the requirements under the Integrated Regulation and Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities.
  • Implementing specific requirement, policies, practices and procedures and a multi-year plan under the Standard for Information and Community and Employment.

For DESCH’s full AODA policy, please email for more information.

Multi Year Plan

DESCH Canada Ltd. Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (the “Plan”) is a road map for our path to increased accessibility as a company.  The goal of the Plan is to provide the action steps that bring life to DESCH Canada Ltd. Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy and Commitment Statement.

This document describes (1) how DESCH Canada will meet accessibility requirements within the Integrated Accessibility Standards’ mandatory timelines, (2) how DESCH Canada will address current accessibility barriers in our organization, and (3) how DESCH Canada will identify and remove future barriers.

The Plan identifies the different standards applicable to DESCH Canada and the dates on which compliance with each standard is required.  DESCH Canada will prepare and file an annual status report on the progress of measures taken to implement the strategy outlined in our Plan and post the status report on our website. Status reports will be made available in an accessible format upon request.

Detailed Standard Implementation Date Status Report
Accessibility Policy – s. 3(1) By January 1, 2014

Revised Dec 2017

Revised June 1, 2021
DESCH Canada has adopted an Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Policy, and a copy is available upon request.
Additionally, upon request, DESCH Canada will provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for the Policy for persons with disabilities in a timely manner that takes into account each person’s accessibility needs due to disability and (if applicable) at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
DESCH Canada will consult with the person making the request for an accessible format or communication support for the Policy when determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
Statement of Commitment – s. 3(2) By January 1, 2014

Revised Dec 2017

Revised June 1, 2021
DESCH Canada has adopted a Statement of Commitment, and a copy is available upon request.
Additionally, upon request, DESCH Canada will provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for the Statement of Commitment for persons with disabilities in a timely manner that takes into account each person’s accessibility needs due to disability and (if applicable) at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
DESCH Canada will consult with the person making the request for an accessible format or communication support for the Statement of Commitment when determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
Multi-year Accessibility Plan – s. 4 By January 1, 2014

Revised Dec 2017

Revised April 1, 2021
DESCH Canada has developed this the Multi-year Accessibility Plan (the “Plan”), with input from applicable departments on an as needed basis. The Plan has been posted on the website in an accessible format that conforms with, at minimum, WCAG 2.0 Level A.
The Plan will be reviewed and updated at least once every five years.
Additionally, upon request, DESCH Canada will provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for the Plan for persons with disabilities in a timely manner that takes into account each person’s accessibility needs due to disability and (if applicable) at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
DESCH Canada will consult with the person making the request for an accessible format or communication support for the Plan when determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
Finally, prior to the Design of Public Spaces Requirements come into effect under the Integrated Accessibility Standards, DESCH Canada will ensure that its Plan is updated to include the items required under the Maintenance Standard (s. 80.44).
Training – s. 5 By January 1, 2015

May 1, 2021 (Retrained)
DESCH Canada will provide training to:
• all of its employees and volunteers,
• all persons who participate in developing DESCH Canada policies, and
• all other persons who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of DESCH Canada
on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in the Integrated Accessibility Standards and continue to provide training on the Human Rights Code (Ontario) as it pertains to persons with disabilities. Training will be provided as soon as practicable. Training will also be included as part of Orientation for all new hires.
The training provided will take into consideration and be appropriate to the duties of those receiving the training.
DESCH Canada will provide training, on an ongoing basis, with respect to changes made to the Integrated Accessibility Policy and Commitment Statement.
Records of the training provided will be maintained and will include: (i) the dates on which training was provided and (ii) the number of individuals to whom training is provided.

Information and Communication Standards

Detailed Standard Implementation Date Actions
Accessible websites & web content – s. 14(4) By January 1, 2014

April 1, 2021 (Reviewed)
DESCH Canada will ensure that new internet websites, including web content on those sites (that DESCH Canada controls directly or through a contractual relationship that allows DESCH Canada to modify the content), conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 at Level A.
Feedback – s. 11 By January 1, 2015

May 1, 2021 (Reviewed)
DESCH Canada will ensure that its processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by, upon request, providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities in a timely manner that takes into account each person’s accessibility needs due to disability and (if applicable) at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
DESCH Canada will consult with the person making the request for an accessible format or communication support when determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
DESCH Canada will continue to advise the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports with respect to its feedback processes through a notification on the website.
The processes that DESCH Canada develops to meet its feedback obligations under the Integrated Accessibility Standards will be complementary to, and will not detract from, the feedback processes DESCH Canada has developed in accordance with the Customer Service Standards.
Accessible formats and communication supports – s. 12 By January 1, 2016 Upon request, DESCH Canada will provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities in a timely manner that takes into account each person’s accessibility needs due to disability and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
DESCH Canada will consult with the person making the request for accessible formats or communication support when determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
DESCH Canada will advise the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports through a notification on our company website.
Accessible websites and web content By January 1, 2021 DESCH Canada will ensure that its websites, including web content on those sites (that DESCH Canada controls directly or through a contractual relationship that allows DESCH Canada to modify the content), conform with the WCAG 2.0 at Level AA, except with respect to success criteria 1.2.4 (captions (live) and 1.2.5 (pre-recorded audio descriptions) or where meeting the requirement is not practicable.

DESCH will also post the Multi Year Plan along with our AODA Commitment on our website.

Employment Standards

Detailed Standard Implementation Date Actions
Emergency Procedure, Plans or Public Safety Information – s. 13 By January 1, 2012 DESCH Canada has emergency response procedures, plans and public safety information that it makes available to the public if needed.
Upon request, DESCH Canada provides or arranges for accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities in a timely manner that takes into account each person’s accessibility needs due to disability and (if applicable) at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
DESCH Canada consults with the person making the request for an accessible format or communication support for the procedures, plans and public safety information when determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
Individualized Workplace Response Information – s. 27 By January 1, 2012 DESCH Canada provides individualized workplace emergency response information to employees with disabilities where the disability is such that individualized information is necessary and DESCH Canada is aware of the need for accommodation.
In the event that an employee who receives individualized workplace emergency response information requires assistance, DESCH Canada designates a person to provide assistance and, with the employee’s consent, DESCH Canada provides the workplace emergency response information to the person.
DESCH Canada provides workplace emergency response information as soon as practicable after learning of the need for accommodation due to an employee’s disability.
DESCH Canada reviews individualized workplace emergency response information, at minimum, whenever:
• the employee moves to a different location within DESCH Canada,
• the employee’s overall accommodation needs or plans are reviewed, or
• DESCH Canada reviews its general emergency response policies.
Recruitment – ss. 22 -24 By January 1, 2016

Revised Jun 1, 2021
In our recruitment processes, DESCH Canada will advise our employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities.
DESCH Canada will notify job applicants, when they are individually selected to participate further in an assessment or selection process, that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used.
If a selected job applicant requests accommodation, DESCH Canada will consult with the individual and provide or arrange for the provision of suitable accommodation that takes into account the applicant’s disability-related needs.
When making offers of employment, DESCH Canada will notify successful applicants of our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.
Information for employees regarding supports – s. 25 & 26 By January 1, 2016

May 31, 2021
(Reviewed with all staff)
DESCH Canada will notify our employees of DESCH Canada’s policies (and any updates to those policies) for supporting employees with disabilities, including (at minimum) our policies regarding the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to disability.
This information will be provided to new hires as soon as practicable after they commence employment.
If an employee with a disability asks for information in an accessible format or to receive communication supports, DESCH Canada will consult with the employee to provide, or arrange for the provision of, accessible formats and communication supports for information that the employee needs to perform his/her job, as well as information that is generally available to other employees.
In determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support, DESCH Canada will consult with the employee making the request.
Documented Individual Accommodation Plans – s. 28 By January 1, 2016 DESCH Canada will develop and maintain a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities.
The process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans will include the following elements:
1. The manner in which an employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the individual accommodation plan.
2. The means by which the employee is assessed on an individual basis.
3. The manner in which DESCH Canada can request an evaluation by an outside medical or other expert, at DESCH Canada expense, to assist DESCH Canada in determining if accommodation can be achieved and, if so, how accommodation can be achieved.
4. The manner in which the employee can request the participation of a representative from the workplace in the development of the accommodation plan.
5. The steps taken to protect the privacy of the employee’s personal information.
6. The frequency with which the individual accommodation plan will be reviewed and updated and the manner in which it will be done.
7. If an individual accommodation plan is denied, the manner in which the reasons for the denial will be provided to the employee.
8. The means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that takes into account the employee’s accessibility needs due to disability.
If requested, information regarding accessible formats and communication supports provided will also be included in individual accommodation plans, in accordance with the Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees Standard (s. 26).
Additionally, the plans will include individualized workplace emergency response information (where required) and will identify any other accommodation that is to be provided, in accordance with the Workplace Emergency Response Information Standard (s. 27).
Finally, individual accommodation plans will identify any other accommodation that is to be provided.
Return to Work Process – s. 29 By January 1, 2016 DESCH Canada will develop and maintain a documented return to work process for its employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and who require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work.
The return to work process will, as part of the process, outline the steps that DESCH Canada will take to facilitate the return to work and will include documented individual accommodation plans.
DESCH Canada notes that this return to work process will not replace or override any other return to work process created by or under any other statute (for example, the Workplace Safety Insurance Act, 1997).
Performance Management (s. 30), Career Development and Advancement (s. 31), and Redeployment (s. 32) By January 1, 2016 DESCH Canada will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans, when conducting performance management, providing career development and advancement to employees, or when redeploying employees.

Full Accessibility

Detailed Standard Implementation Date Actions
  By January 1, 2025 This is the date by which the development, implementation and enforcement of accessibility standards is contemplated by the AODA in order to achieve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, buildings, structures and premises. DESCH Canada will ensure compliance with its obligations under the AODA and its regulations by this date.